My friend Mo told me about this shop in Red Hook, Brooklyn called Erie Basin. I had never heard of it before, but as soon as the first photograph of the website loaded on my screen I was a goner. The owner, Russell Whitmore, seems to be a very talented fellow indeed. He has impeccable taste in all things collectible - mirrors, furniture, stuffed animals, statues, artifacts, you name it. He also curates an amazing and constantly refreshed selection of period jewelry. He keeps a small shop of items up online but the real treasure is his brick-and-mortar shop. It seems to be equal parts luxury, sadness and creepiness - a perfect trio for an antique shop, I think. And I love the displays.
I just found out that I get to go to New York City for work in late June, and you can bet I will be stopping by this place to snap some photos and soak up the erie-ness. I hope to leave with at least one ring, too.
*All photos are from the Erie Basin blog archives.
I can't wait.
when i die, i hope heaven looks like erie basin.
That is an amazing looking shop and site. A west coast equivalent you might like is The Gold Bug in Pasadena. Totally quirky, a little dark and definitely desirable finds from the well known to the smaller handmade artists!
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