One of my favorite things to do is snoop around in other people's jewelry boxes. So why not do it here on the blog?! I'm starting a Jewelry Box Series tomorrow and it will run every Wednesday this month. Each week there will be an interview & accompanying pics with one of the five ladies pictured above - all stylish buddies of mine. I hope you enjoy meeting them and visiting their jewelry boxes!
I'm running a little game to go with it this series, too. If you leave a comment on each of the five posts you will be entered in a giveaway to win a $50 gift certificate to Jean Jean Vintage - just in time for Christmas! Here's the fine print: You have to comment the same week the post goes up (i.e. no playing catch up at the end!) I'll give you some friendly reminders along the way to make sure you get in the running. See you tomorrow for the first interview!
What a fabulous idea :) Looking forward to see what's featured.
What a great idea! I'm so looking forward to this already!
ooh i like this!
if you ever want long distance volunteers let me know that would be so fun!
Can't wait - I love taking a peek into other people's jewellery boxes! Bring it on. :)
I love this! I've actually dreamed of you doing this with me but i never mentioned that did i? i have some weird shit duff. so best you visit this way sometime, okee?
Looking forward to this series! What fun!
Thanks For the Great idea…..Very informative Post of yours.
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